Sunday, March 6, 2011

Utah. Nevada. and A long drive home.

I spent some time in "the west" about a week ago. There are few places that I love more than the west. I have always been sucked in by mountains, open places, high places, places that seem to be older and wiser than us humans. I spent a week with a large group of friends and had a very memorable time.
I must say that I started this year off in a really great way. I was able to shoot with some extremely talented photographers, meet some people I only knew from a computer screen. I still have over 40 rolls of some great work yet to be developed. I am looking forward to a great new year and am forcing my work to be much better than I could have imagined.

Please check up every once and a while for some amazing work with and of:
The Hoover Dam.
Ryan Muirhead and Lianna Michelle Hartley.
Taylor Stevens
Jordan Turner. 
Southern Utah and a 36 hour non-stop drive home. 
and maybe a cookie or two. 

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